LARP - forward to the Middle Ages

LARP stands for Life Action Role Playing and describes a role-playing game in which the players play their own characters. Often the themes are fantasy and the Middle Ages. Not only at various historical castle Christmas markets you can meet knights, jugglers and beautifully dressed noble ladies, but also at countless other role playing events the great popularity of diving into the role of another character is shown.

Are you a knight, an assassin or rather a noble man of rank?

Heroes present themselves fearsomely with robust doublet, impressive shoulder protectors, arm warmers and martial deco weapons, while the noblemen prefer a far more elegant, if not less stylish robe like velvet coat, vest and brocade trousers to win the favour of the charmingly dressed ladies.

Do you want to be the sexy damsel of the castle, or the challenging fighter?

Those ladies like to show themselves in long elegant velvet dresses with elaborately worked lace. Also very popular are corsages and corsets, which should not be missing in any wardrobe. The elegant outfit increases its effect by the accentuated use of accessories such as a black noble veil or a striking necklace.